Relief services


  • Emergency and disaster relief materials
  • Non-food relief rations.

  • Food rations.
  • Personal hygiene kits and baskets.
  • Electronic vouchers of useful food for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Peanut butter rations to treat malnutrition.
  • Vouchers for students enrolled in the Class B curriculum in government schools.
  • Primary and secondary services, free medications to treat highly expensive surgical conditions.
  • Provide education to prevent malnutrition cases for pregnant and lactating women.

  • Psychological support and awareness sessions.
  • Training services for taking care of the elderly.
  • Special care for people with needs.
  • In-kind and medical assistance.
  • Child friendly spaces.

Development services

  • Awareness and encourage education.
  • Restoration of destroyed schools after the war.
  • Providing educational curricula for drop-out children.
  • Providing job opportunities.
  • Vocational training and capacity building.
  • Providing agricultural shares, basic materials and seeds for farmers.
  • Providing agricultural engines for farmers.
  • Distribution of poultry to heads women.

Supporting Organizations

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